Pow-Mia Bike

Out of all the issues that FRP put together, I'm down to one pic that was screwed up from a past issue, that I feel is worth a second look. Bring in this '74 shovelhead. 
  Sometimes it is hard to decide whether to go with one aspect of a bike or another. So I decided to do a write up on two people that made this bike what it is. Enter the Shovelheads owner Shortcut. Shortcut put this bike together with the intention of representing the Vietnam Vets from WWI. Being a VNVMC member himself, he made a beautiful tribute with the help of fellow northwoods resident Artist Carrie Lang who airbrushed this cover bike in the theme of POW-MIA. 
Carrie has been, as she puts it, a photo-realistic painter (if you know what that is) for over 20 years. Painting some great looking motorcycle and wildlife scenes. Finding out that she had a talent is a story in itself. When she was younger she tried to embroider a deer onto a bow case and after just a little while gave up on that. Her mom suggested she paint it on instead. Well  after her mom seen the artistic talent, she went out and bought Carrie a ton of art supplies and whoola, "an artist is born"! 
Carrie being an avid bow hunter with a degree in forestry, she also enjoys  riding her custom sportster in her spare time. Check out her art at www.king-lang-art.net. 
And to you brother Shortcut, I hope this makes up for the last pic.


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