Here is a quiz I made up to seperate the real
fom the rub,
no cheating lol...
1. What shares the living space with
your bike
A. The living room furniture, Wife and
kids(keep it in the house)
B. Piles of old bike parts, misc tools,
stacks of old easy riders and playboy magizines
C. A porsche,mercedes benz, hummer, callaway
golfclubs, fully restored 1936 jaguar....etc
2. Your bike....
A. Was put together from parts bought
at swap meets but runs good (a real rat)
B. Is all one year and model but the
odometer has flipped and has a lot of creative fixes to keep it on the
C. Paid for and still under warranty,
or a 2 yr old large tourning bike with less than 3000 miles.
3. Your riding gear.....
A. Consists of the basics: comfortable
pair of jeans, leather jacket, helmet if applicable, and a good pair of
B. All of the above plus a pair of decent
chaps and gloves.
C. All your gear has the name of your
bike manufacturer plastered all over it (underwear included), 2 way
helmet radios,stereos, cd players, gloves with built in hand warmers, rain
suits, helmets made by
european fashion designers.
4.Keeping it going.....
A. Can rebuild the top end on
the side of the road with just the tools in your handlebar tool bag.
B. Can be McGuyver and wrap an
old Piece of garden hose around the rim replace the tire and make it home
in a pinch
C. Call the local bike shop when
broke down on side of road when mechanic arrives he turns on the
fuel and starts the bike in 3 seconds.
5. Heart.....
You are headed down the highway
and see a bike broke down on the shoulder do you....
A. Pull over and try to help even
if it means you will be late to meet up with the pack for your run
B. Pull over and try to help if
you can and at least hang around long enough to get a phone number to call
for them
C. wave and keep going
6. Heart part 2......
You are having a beer in a watering
hole and a fellow rider is getting hassled by 3 locals do you....
A. Immediately stand with the
other rider to at least try to even the odds (3 on 2 is better than 3 on
B. Stay out of it unless all 3
jump him at one time then make your prescence known by clocking one
C. Pay for your drink and leave
him on his own its not your problem
7. Looking out for your brothers.......
You are in the process of totaly re-building
your bike and are about 4 months away from firing it up.
There is a poker run that weekend and your
riding buddy's carb took a shit. do you...
A. Take the new one you just installed
the night before off your bike and spend next 3 hrs installing and
tuning it on his so he can make the run.
B. Give him the old one and tell him
it aint great but it works and it will get ya there and back.
C. Tell him too bad but my builder tells
me mine will be done in a couple of months
8. The weekend run.........
Your pack is making about a 200
mile weekend run up to the mountains, half way there a bro and
his lady's bike takes a crap on the side of
the road. There is a dealership with the parts at the next exit,
but the part will take all the cash they had
for the run leaving nothing to party on. do you.......
A. Hand them the extra c-note you had
stashed to buy your lady that
suprise new pair of riding boots
and tell them pay me back when you can.
B. Let them bunk with you if all are
staying in a motel, and picking up
the tab for meals and beer. No
one gets left behind if possible.
C. Tell them that you will take lots
of pics and tell them you will tell
them all about it when you get
9. The Major Rally's........(Sturgis
& Daytona)
It is time for Sturgis or Daytona
How do you get there? do you......
A. Pack up the bike and ride in
B. Pack up the bike and ride in
C. Have bike shipped and fly in with
bike waiting at airport or transport in a fully enclosed
trailer pulled by a 50,000.00 suv
10. Body art......
A. Tattoo's on you have
meaning of lost friends, time in jail, etc......
B. Tattoo's on you
have no meaning other than they looked cool at the time.
C. Just the stick
on kind
Ok now count up your answers what ever letter
you have the most of are tells if you are a bro or a rub.
A answers = you are a true ambassador
of the road, bro's like this come along
once or twice in a lifetime if you are one
or know one count yourselfblessed.
B answers= You are a true brother at
heart, you look out for your friends
and treat them like family even if you never
met them. You are 90% of the
bikers out there .
C answers= You are a rub no if's and's
or but's about it.
If you have one from the New Biker viewpoint
send it in, I would be
interested in seeing it.
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